Add a New Line in Powershell

PowerShell includes different options for formatting console output. This article will discuss four methods of adding a new line in the PowerShell output.

The first method explains how to use PowerShell newline characters to break a string across lines of the console.

The second and third methods discuss how to write each element of an array in a new line of the console output.

The last method covers how to break a string at the position of a given string or any position of your choice.

Method 1: Using the New Line Character

PowerShell’s newline character is “n" - a backtick followed by the letter "n". The backtick symbol is on the same key as the tilde character (~).

The "n” newline character is equivalent to the “\n” in Python, C++, and Java programming languages.

You can also use multiple newline characters to get multiple line breaks on the string.

We can also concatenate strings with “n".


This is the first stringThis is the second string


This is the first string
This is the second string

Method 2: Using Output Field Separator (OFS)

The preference $OFS variable specifies a character that separates the elements of an array when the array is converted into a string.

Once we define the $OFS variable, elements of The PowerShell array will be joined on the defined $OFS value. Let's see some examples.



We can then use the newline character to break the array elements across lines.



Method 3: Using System.Environment.NewLine Property

This is a utility allows newline character to be added to the output on Unix platforms.



Method 4: Using str.replace() Function to Break a String on a Given Character

If we want to break a string at a given character, we can replace that given character with a newline character. Here is an example


this is string 1
 this is string 2
 this is string 2

We can also use string formatting on PowerShell. In the following example, we use {i} as a placeholder for the i+1 value on the format list; therefore, {0} matches the first characters on the format list, that is, "%%" and the second placeholder, {1} is filled with two newline characters (n`n).


This is %% a long


This article discusses how to add a new line in PowerShell. We discussed four methods on how to break a string across output console lines. In these methods, we also covered how to write each element of an array in a new line.