Set List Size in Python

Suppose you want to create a Python list of the predefined length? And suppose you want to create a list of lists with a certain size? Let’s find out what we can do in Python.

A quick answer

Creating a 1D list of elements

Method 1: Using the multiplication operator (*)


[None, None, None, None, None, None]

Method 2: Using a for-loop


[None, None, None, None, None]

Creating a list of lists (use for-loop)


[[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]]

Note: Be careful when creating these lists because things may not happen as you want them to. Please continue reading to find out what can go wrong and how to fix it.

Creating a list of predefined size

Often, programmers create an empty list and then append values to it. In some cases, however, we want a list of specific sizes, and then we can assign values. When creating the list, we will use some default values as placeholders, for example, the None value, an empty string (‘ ‘), etc.

The following are methods that can be used to create a Python list of a given size:

Method 1: Using multiplication operator (*)


a_list [None, None, None, None, None]
b_list ['', '', '', '', '']
c_list [99, 99, 99, 99, 99]
a_list modified [None, None, 27, None, None]
IndexError: list assignment index out of range

In this snippet, we created lists of length 5 (you can use the len() function to check the length of a list) with different placeholders. We also show how to assign (using the ‘=’ operator) value to a list based on an index. Note that any attempt to assign value beyond the size of the list leads to IndexError.

Note: If you want to initialize a 2D list (lists within a list), don’t use the multiplication operator, it will give you results you might not expect (we will discuss this in the next section).

Method 2: Using for-loop

We can also use a for loop to create lists of a pre-decided size. For example,


['None', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None']

And we can convert this into a list expression as follows:


['None', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None']

Creating Python list of lists (2D) of predefined sizes

The use of the multiplication operator only works for non-referenced data types like numbers, None, and strings but may not work as you expect for types like lists and sets. For this reason, the use of the multiplication operator is avoided.

What goes wrong?

Let’s see what happens when we use the multiplication operator for initializing a list with referenced elements like lists.


[[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]]
[[23, None], [23, None], [23, None]]
[[23, None, 'foo'], [23, None, 'foo'], [23, None, 'foo']]

On inspection of the printout,  the created list in line 2 seems OK, but it is not. To show that, we attempted to assign the value 23 to the first element in the first list. We expected to get [[23, None], [None, None], [None, None]] but we got unusual results. Attempting to append also did not yield the results we wanted. Just like me, you might have expected [“foo”, [None, None], [None, None]]. So what exactly went wrong?

The problem is with references. The object we created creates a list of pointers. Using a multiplication operator with any non-primitive (referenced) object will create a list of pointers to the same object. We can confirm that by using the id(<object>) function in Python, which tells us the identity of <object>.


[139675625121024, 139675625121024, 139675625121024]

As you can see, the IDs are the same, meaning each element is pointing to the same list object.

The correct way to do it (use for loop)

The best way to create an initialized list within a list is to use for-loop unless you fully understand the above potential issue and fits what you want to do.


[[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]]
[[23, None], [None, None], [None, None]]
[[23, None, 'foo'], [None, None], [None, None]]

This output now fits what you might expect. It is also important to note that appending a value to the first list increased its length to 3.


There are two ways of creating a list of elements of a given size in Python: using a multiplication operator (*)  and using a for-loop. However, when creating lists within a list, be careful when using the multiplication operator because it might give you unexpected output; instead, use for-loop.