Check if an Argument in a Function Is Passed in Python

Consider the following Python function:

The function, func1 takes three arguments: val1, val2 and val3. In this article, we want to learn how to check if a given argument is passed during the function call.

For example, how do we know if the user passed the val3 argument value?

We will use the following methods:

  1. Method 1: Using default argument value(s) and if-statement,
  2. Method 2: Using **kwargs in function definition if-statement

Method 1: Using default argument values and condition statement

The idea is to set a default value for the argument we want to check and then use the if statement to check if the user passed a different value at the function call. Here is an example,


val3 argument was explicitly passed by the user.
val3 is : 6
val3 argument was not passed. Default used.
val3 is : 7

In the example above, val3=7 is used as a default value. If the user passes val3 in the function call, the value passed will take precedence over the default. In the first function call, val3=6 is passed, but in the second call,val3 is not passed, and therefore, the default value is used.

But what if the user explicitly passes val3=7 on the function call? That will be the same as the default; therefore, our test will fail, as shown in the example below.


val3 argument was not passed. Default used.
val3 is : 7

Important: The idea is to pass a default value that is not expected to be passed by the user. The convention is to use None, as shown in the example below.


val3 argument was passed during the function call.
val3 is:  6
val3 was not passed to the function. Default value is used.
val3 is:  None

In some cases, however, None could be a valid input for your arguments. In such a case, you can use object() as a default value for the argument you want to check. For example,


val3 argument was not passed during the function call.
val3 is:  <object object at 0x7f5579e9a4d0>
val3 was passed to the function
val3 is:  8

Note: Unlike the first two examples, you need to define the object() default outside the function definition. This is because Every time you execute the object() function, you get a unique instance. That is why object() != object(). See below.



That is why the following code yields “Fail”.

Method 2: Using **kwargs in function definition if-statement

The **kwargs attribute is used to pass a variable number of keyword arguments. When arguments are passed on a function call, the arg-value pairs of those arguments are stored on **kwargs – a dictionary data structure.

Here is how to use **kwargs to check whether an argument is passed.


{'val2': 4, 'val3': 5, 'val4': 6}
val3 argument was passed.
val3 is:  5

Let’s call the same function by passing 3 arguments to it (excluding val3 – the argument we are checking)


{'val2': 4, 'val4': 6}
val3 was not passed.
val3 is:  None


This article discussed two methods of checking if an argument in a function is passed. The first method discussed using a default value, and the second explained how to use **kwargs when checking if an argument was passed at a function call.