In order to parse a string to an integer using the int() function.
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int_value = int('111') |
Parse a string to int with exception handling
If you want to safely convert a string to INT you have to handle exceptions. If a string cannot be converted to int, the function will return a default value.
This example will illustrate that.
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def parse_string_to_int(s): try: value = int(s) except ValueError: value = s + ' value is not an integer' return value print(parse_string_to_int('123')) print(parse_string_to_int('asd123')) |
It will return the following result:
123 asd123 value is not an integer
Parse a string with commas to an integer
Sometimes a value is separated by commas. In order to convert this value use the replace() function.
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str_value = '1,500,000' int_value = int(str_value.replace(',', '')) print(int_value) |
Split a string, parse to int, and add to an array [list]
To split a string we can use the split() function. It will separate values and add them to the list as strings. Then we will use map(). This function applies an operation to each element. In this example, it will convert a string to an integer.
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str_value = "100-23-41-2" str_list = str_value.split('-') int_list = list(map(int, str_list)) for int_elem in int_list: print(int_elem) |
100 23 41 2
Parse a decimal string to an integer and round it up
In order to round up a value that is a string, we need to parse it to a float and then use math.ceil to round it up and return it as an integer. You can do it with positive and negative values.
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import math str_value1 = "9.23" str_value2 = "-9.23" roundup_int1 = math.ceil(float(str_value1)) roundup_int2 = math.ceil(float(str_value2)) print('The ' + str_value1 + ' rounded up is ' + str(roundup_int1)) print('The ' + str_value2 + ' rounded up is ' + str(roundup_int2)) |
The 9.23 rounded up is 10 The -9.23 rounded up is -9