You can create a file name with the current date and time in Python using the datetime module by following these steps.
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Changing File Permission in Python
Using the following syntactical steps, you can change file permissions in Python using chmod() function within the os module.
Continue readingExtract Numbers from a Text File using Python
In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to extract numbers from a text file using Python. We’ll be using the regular expression module, re, to perform this task.
Continue readingWrite to Existing Excel File in Python
In this tutorial, you will learn how to write data to an existing Excel file using Python.
There are several libraries available to read and write data from Excel. Here, we will use the openpyxl library which provides a Pythonic way to interact with Excel files.
Continue readingAdd Color to Excel Cells Using Python
If you want to add color to Excel cells and make data more visually appealing, you need to know the way to manipulate Excel files using Python code.
Continue readingAdd a New Line in Powershell
PowerShell includes different options for formatting console output. This article will discuss four methods of adding a new line in the PowerShell output.
Continue reading__file__ is not defined in Python
The dunder __file__ is a variable that stores the path to the Python module/script being imported (executed). It is generated when the actual module or script is executed.
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